Monday, April 7, 2008

Inner Examination

2 Corinthians 13:5&6 "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you are disqualified. 6. But I trust that you will know that we are not disqualified."

I work in manufacturing as a heavy welder welding up crawlers better known to many as dozers. Most of our products though are for the arborist industry rather than construction. A job perk that I have as a welder is that I am in somewhat complete darkness all day under my welding hood. I can see my molten puddle of weld but that's pretty much it when the hood is down. This is a great job perk because it gives me a lot of time to think and examine myself, to test my actions and reasoning to see if I am living a life that pleases and honors God. I am happy most of the time with the results yet I am discouraged at times reflecting on where I fall short and stumble along in my journey with Christ.

We will all fall short, the Bible itself tells us that. Psalm 53:3 "Every one of them has turned aside; They have together become corrupt; There is no one who does good, No, not one." Let us though never use that as an excuse to go and sin of course, for that leads into great temptations if we knowingly sin because "God will forgive it". Knowingly sinning like that will lead into much sorrow and grief. That's why we are to examine ourselves, are we doing all we can to help our fellow man, or are we just sitting back because we are "comfortable"? Are we doing all we can to tell people about the Good news of Christ, or does bringing up such things to strangers and/or friends make us "uncomfortable"? Are we living a life that reflects as much as possible that of Jesus Christs? 1John 2:6 "He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked"

Time is short tonight as I should be getting to bed because a long day awaits me tomorrow. I just wanted to write tonight to mention of the spiritual healing and strengthening that can take place when we examine our inner selves. Though you may feel conviction at times over areas you have fallen short in His eyes, remember that the verse also said "do you not know that Jesus Christ is in you?" He is there to help mend and correct those areas in your life so that you may be a light to the world(Phillipians 2:14&15)

May God bless you all in your walk through that narrow gate and down that narrow path that leads to everlasting life in paradise. Call on Him in all things and praise Him in all things. With love and prayers always.

1 comment:

Kokopelli said...

That is a wonderful post, Chros. Thanks! A little external help never hurts too. I've mentioned to a couple of my pastors in the past that a little "hell fire and damnation" would be good once in a while to yank people back. All I got back were puzzled looks. Do you think my Id could be a Baptist? :(